Hit Box Stream Input Display for PC Gaming

Are you a streamer?

Are you trying to show how awesome your button pressing is?

Well, now you are in luck with some great work from community members creating input displays for Hit Box!

Note: These input displays only work if you are playing on PC.

Fightstick Motion - Hit Box Edition by Chris Nguyen

Chris Nguyen developed this first overlay.

Download directly here: FightStickMotionHitBoxEdition.

Download will come with instructions.

Hit Box Input Display by Hoang Nguyen

Hoang Nguyen developed this second overlay.

Download directly with instructions here: Hit-Box-Input-Display.

Hit Box Overlay by Jacob Matheny

This YouTube video has downloads linked in its description, and overviews the process of setting up the input display.



Show us your input display working! Tag us on Twitter, or post in the #self-promotion channel in our Discord.
