The Hit Box brings more precision and speed to your quarter circle motions. Not only are your inputs quicker and cleaner, but 236 motions also lay the foundation for more techniques and shortcuts moving forward.
Standard Motion
Start with Down and roll your fingers through Forward. Your fingers will naturally hit the diagonal Down-Forward along the way for the full motion.
Down (2)Down + Forward (3)
Forward (6)
Double Quarter-Circle
Once you perfect the 236 motion, the 236 236 Overdrive should be straightforward. Simply roll a quarter circle motion twice before pressing the attack.
Down (2)Down + Forward (3)
Forward (6)
Down (2)
Down + Forward (3)
Forward (6)
TK Motion
Down (2)
Down + Forward (3)
Forward (6)
Forward + Up (9)
Forward + Up + Attack
With this motion your aerial special move will come out as soon as you leave the ground. Roll a normal quarter circle into Up-Forward (2369), then press Attack shortly after. The key to this technique is to deliberately time the Attack input after pressing Up.
We recommend using your Right Thumb for this technique. Lead with the Up input on your thumb, then fall into the Attack input shortly after. This way you can think of a TK motion similar to a combo link and guarantee its consistency.
If you're having trouble with this motion, you're probably going too fast. Delay hitting the Attack button as long as possible after rolling the motion.
Instant Quarter-Circle (SOCD)
KOFXV's input system allows us to do an alternate QC motion 2369, but with the power of SOCDs we can shorten this motion into a new deadly shortcut.
Down (2)
Down + Forward (3)
Down + Forward + Up (9) + Attack
This is such an efficient input that do not need to roll through the motion, and we can skip 'rolling' altogether.
By using your right hand, it makes it very easy to hit two inputs at the same time using your Right Thumb and finger. Since we are only adding buttons, we can think of it as 'plinking' the motion. It's possible to consistently finish your QCF in 3 frames. That is what we call an instant quarter circle (iQCF)!

This motion is also used for preventing a DP motion (623) from coming out by mistake. Ending in an Up-Forward will ensure that a quarter circle comes out, even if you are walking forward!

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And, as always, may your inputs be blessed.