Team Hit Box had several top 8 sightings at Winter Brawl this weekend in Philadelphia!
Hit Box Godspeed took 7th in Killer Instinct wielding his Kan-Ra, and Hit Box Tyrant took 5th place with his deadly Spinal! Both players have been racking up seeding points to qualify for the Killer Instinct World Cup, and Tyrant is currently sitting pretty with this and his 2nd place ranking at NEC in December. Be ready to see more Godspeed and Tyrant tearing their way though the coming major events this year as they toughen up for EVO and the KI Cup!
Also in the world of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom, ANBU KPB LVLG | Punisher was rocking his Hit Box all the way to 3rd place! This is Punisher's highest ranking at a major yet and also is the highest placing Hit Box competitor in a UMvC3 major as well! Congratulations to Punisher for making Hit Box history! -- although we're sure he plans on breaking that record yet again come EVO 2015!
Congratulations Punisher!