This will be an overview on how to Load and Save information to and from your Cross|Up, so you can put your profile editing and button remapping to the test.
Before you continue, be sure you have the Cross|Up Designer Software: Downloads Page
Loading Controller
In order to edit and prevent overwriting the profiles that are currently on your Cross|Up, you will need to load what you have on your controller into the Designer.
When you have the Designer Software open, and your Cross|Up plugged in using the USB-B port on the side, select "Load Controller" at the top of the window.
This window should pop up. Select "Load Values From Cross|Up."
Once it loads the values, most computers will output an audible cue and it should say "Successfully Read From Controller."
Note: If it fails to load, try the "Use A Specific COM Port" option.
Exit from that window, and profiles and layouts you had on your Cross|Up should be in the Designer for you to edit and customize.
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If you are having any issues with your Cross|Up Designer, please use our troubleshooting guide: If this guide does not solve your issue, please reach out to, or visit our Discord and post in the #tech-support channel.
Saving Controller
Once you have done all the editing that you want, you will want to save that onto your Cross|Up so you can use and test out your ideas.
With your Cross|Up plugged in to your PC, select "Save Controller" at the top of the Designer window.
This window should pop up. Select "Save Changes to Cross|Up."
Once it saves the values, most computers will output an audible cue and it should say "Successfully Saved To Controller."
Note: If it fails to save, try the "Use A Specific COM Port" option.
Close that window. Everything should be on your Cross|Up now and ready to play!
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If you are having any issues with your Cross|Up Designer, please use our troubleshooting guide: If this guide does not solve your issue, please reach out to, or visit our Discord and post in the #tech-support channel.
For more information and guides on the Cross|Up Designer, browse through the Cross|Up Designer Index or use select the "Designer" tag at the bottom of this post.