Street Fighter 6 is bringing a whole open world to the universe. If you want to be a true world warrior, then you'll need to be equipped to travel it!
This guide will show you how the Street Fighter 6 Battle Hub profile on your Cross|Up allows you to fully move around the Battle Network Hub and prepare you for all of the new innovations Capcom has been making in the Street Fighter universe. We will cover the applied in-game control scheme, as well as the Cross|Up exclusive buttons that make open world navigation possible (the Walk modifier button and Camera Mode).
Cross|Up Downloads Page (Designer Software)
Your head will be spinning with all of the opportunities this brings!

This profile is equipped with this custom button layout to specialize your controller for the open world side of SF6. Your Cross|Up allows you to have multiple profiles loaded onto it, which means that this profile can be set to an alternate switch position from your main fighting profile! Switch to the open world layout back and forth any time you wish!

Above is what the button layout actually does in the Battle Hub. This is a digital room of 3D space filled with arcade cabinets and other online players to meet and chat!
The standard row of "Punch" and "Kick" buttons are set to make the best of the social aspect of the Battle Hub.
Action Buttons (Sq / Tri / X / O): These main buttons are unchanged on the layout and stay in their default places; however, the button functions are entirely different than punching and kicking when inside the Battle Hub.
Battle Settings (Square): The Character Select screen is not a part of standard online play in the Battle Hub. Battle Settings is where you go to set up which character you play once entering a match.
Chat (Triangle): Your typical chat box to talk with friends and nearby players.
Interact / Cancel (X / O): These act as your standard "Ok" and "Back" functions.
Context Menus (R2 / L2): Where Fierce and Roundhouse are typically located in a standard 8-button layout, we have new context menus bound there for open world actions. This gives a window into the modern side of SF6.
Actions Menu (R2): When holding down R2, a context menu appears by your character for a choice of combat actions. While holding, there is an action set for Sq / Tri / X / O, and whichever button you press is the action performed. These actions can be customized in the main menu for your character's loadout. For now these are aesthetic flips and uppercuts, but it is likely a peak into the new open world combat system!
Emotes Menu (L2): When holding down L2, a context menu appears by your character for a choice of social actions. While holding, there is an action set for Sq / Tri / X / O, and whichever button you press is the emote performed. These emotes can be customized in the main menu for your character's loadout. It gets to be a little lonely when nobody waves back though... maybe we'll get a Fortnite dance on launch.
Movement Buttons (Walk Modifier / L3): The final column of buttons is normally the PPP/KKK buttons for Drive specials (EX moves in SFV); these buttons are dedicated to movement in this SF6 profile.
Walk Modifier (Cross|Up Feature): Holding this button down prevents your character from running and slows you down to a relaxed walking pace. As soon as you let go of this button your character is back to running again.
Sprint (L3): While running, tap this button to begin sprinting.
Camera Mode: Camera Mode is a Cross|Up feature that allows you to seamlessly transition back and forth from Left and Right stick on the move. This button is located on the bottom Thumb Button, and it is what unlocks the open 3D world to arcade stick.
Left Stick to Right Stick: While holding Camera Mode, the joystick becomes the Right Analog Stick, allowing you to control the in-game camera to look around and steer your character while running. In the Battle Hub, moving your character is controlled by the Left Analog Stick, and the in-game camera is controlled by the Right Analog Stick.
Seizing Inputs: Being able to run and steer the camera simultaneously is possible because of input 'seizing,' or 'capturing' your Left Analog Stick position. Camera Mode is unique in that it holds whatever direction you are running at the time it is pressed and continues to be held. Utilizing this feature opens all the doors for freely navigating 3D environments.
Initial Delay: Once the Camera Button is held, there are a few frames to let go of the joystick before the Right Stick is able to be controlled. This brief window helps the transition between Left and Right Stick in that it gives you time to let go of the joystick before the in-game camera begins to move. It can be jarring always begins moving in the direction you are running. This allows us to release the joystick and smoothly begin steering the camera in any direction.
Camera Mode is the key to playing any open 3D game on Cross|Up, and there are tons of pre-made specialized profiles just like this one for playing all sorts of games that were never previously possible to play on joystick. It takes a bit of practice to get used to, but it becomes second nature with experience.
Now that we understand the Walk Modifier and Camera Mode, let's put them together! Camera Mode holds the movement of your character at that speed and trajectory, meaning that if you were holding the Walk Modifier you will continue at that pace! Similarly, if you continue to hold that Walk button, the camera will steer extra slow and smooth as if the camera was at a walking speed.
Camera -> Walk: If our Camera button is held while running, we can then press and hold the Walk Modifier to smooth out our camera movement (while continuing to run).
Walk -> Camera: If our Camera button is held while walking and then release the Walk Modifier afterwards, we will continue to walk but the camera will steer at full speed.
Mastering both the Walk and Camera buttons open up an entire dynamic to how you move about the open world. They can be used independently as well as together.
The highest three buttons in layouts are typically the lesser-used utility buttons. But they are still key to rounding out any profile. Here in the Battle Hub profile R3 / L1 / R1 are the top candidates for the top row.
Center Camera (R3): Wherever your character is facing, the camera will reset to wherever your body is pointing. This is a more rigid and instant way to look around and can be used in conjunction with Camera Mode.
Shortcuts (L1): This is another context menu of in-game options. They are also customizable in the main menu. We will have a complete list of the menu options after the next Street Fighter 6 Beta weekend and update this guide.
Stick Cam (R1): This button overtakes the open free camera control and replaces it with a simple chase cam that follows you around.
And that is our Street Fighter 6 Battle Hub Profile! Try it out during the next beta and don't forget to emote us a wave before we take it to the virtual arcade cabinet for a set!
Cross|Up Downloads Page (Designer Software)
If you would like to see more things that you can do with Camera Mode and Walk modifiers, among other Cross|Up innovations, check out the Designer software and see all of the profiles I've made for you! There will be more content coming soon in our Cross|Up index page as well. Keep an eye out, and don't forget to emote us a wave on Discord as well!
Happy Training,
- HBDustin co-created the Hit Box controller with his brother Shawn and is currently acting as company president. He also creates educational content for you with love and has been the acting hands guy in Hit Box videos for the past decade.