A Look Back at EVO 2022

EVO 2022 was a great event for us. We got to see friends from around the world we have not seen in years, and meet awesome new people for the first time. We saw our sponsored players do great in their brackets, and experience our community doing well in practically every game at the event. We were able to provide an amazing fan experience with Daigo at our booth, and personally meet people in the FGC that we look up to.

Here is a recollection of our time at and highlights of EVO 2022.

There are photos of community members throughout this post. If you see yourself, please let us know and we will tag you properly in this post and online: @Hit_Box.


Street Fighter V

Kawano - 1st

Daigo - 5th



Tekken 7

Super Akouma - 5th

K2RO - 33rd




Other top 8 performances

Here are some players that played great at EVO on a Hit Box or Cross|Up:

Guilty Gear -STRIVE-
Leffen - 3rd (Cross|Up)
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Zane - 7th (Hit Box)
Granblue Fantasy: Versus
ZomBmu - 7th (Hit Box)
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Kiri - 3rd (Hit Box)
LazyBakeOven - 5th (Hit Box)
Dudeguy M.D. - 7th (Hit Box)


Daigo at the Hit Box Booth

Daigo was at our booth on day 1 to do autographs and photos with fans.


On the Floor

There were tons of Hit Box and Cross|Up players at EVO.
Here is a collection of photos we got of you all playing.
Let us know if you see yourself in the photos!



And some of you wanted to pose!


We have come as far as we have through grassroots work and we are extremely proud of that. But none of that would have happened without the support from you - our community!


We hope that EVO was just as fun for you as it was for us, whether you were in person or at home.


Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth and supports us in any way.

- Team Hit Box
