SSBU on Cross|Up - Getting Started

The Cross|Up plays Smash Bros. Ultimate better than any other fight stick. In order to help you take advantage of the precision of this arcade controller, we have compiled this post to go over the basics of the Cross|Up and the key techniques to learn in SSBU.

If you have any questions about SSBU on Cross|Up, be sure to join our Discord and hop into the #smash-ultimate channel. Also be sure to explore the "Cross|Up" and "SSBU" tags at the bottom of the post for more How-To content.

The Basics


First thing to do is to ensure you are using the Default Smash Ultimate profile. If you just received your Cross|Up, it should be on Profile 3 (the three-way switch on the side of your Cross|Up set to "II"). Otherwise, download our Designer Software and load up the Layout onto your Cross|Up.

Now let's go over the default layout we have Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Here are what the buttons do (with default options on SSBU):

  • Left Stick controls movement
  • Right Stick is for Smash and aerial attacks
  • A is for Attacks
  • B is for Specials
  • X and Y are for Jump (press them at the same time to get a Short Hop)
  • ZR is for Shield
  • R is for Grab
  • Tilt 1 and Tilt 2 are Modifiers for walking and tilt attacks



We will be using this default layout for this post, but you can change your layout using the Designer Software to fit your needs!


Tilt Modifiers

In order to walk and access Tilt Attacks, we use modifiers we call Tilts. By holding down Tilt 1 or Tilt 2, similar to "shift" on a keyboard, you modify the full direction of the digital directions to slight tilts.

How To Play


Use the Tilt Modifiers to Walk. Each modifier gives a different speed of Walk!


Short Hop

The digital buttons on the Cross|Up make it easier to short hop since you can flick through the button to make the press as quick as possible. Also, you can press both Jump buttons at the same time to guarantee a Short Hop!



Since you have access to the buttons with all of your fingers, there's no more need to use just your thumb for jumping and aerials. In addition, for those who customize their controls already on SSBU, the digital buttons are sensitive meaning no more having to press through triggers to get precise jump timings.


Tilt Attacks

The main modifiers for Tilt Attacks are Tilt 1 and Tilt 2. 


While both modifiers can do all Tilt Attacks, they differ in what happens when you do ordinal (ie, diagonal) directions. With Tilt 1, you will get Angled Forward Tilts. 


With Tilt 2, you will get Turnaround Up and Down Tilts.



Advanced Play

Run Stop with Tilts

You can use Tilt Modifiers to stop your run, giving you more freedom with movement.


Running into Tilt Attacks

Using the Tilt 1 and Tilt 2 to Run Stop leads into easy access to Tilt Attacks in whatever direction you want, even making it easy to do Angled Forward Tilts and turnaround your Up and Down Tilts (something that requires much more difficult timing with Tilt Stick).



Dash Walk

Using Tilt Modifiers makes it easy to do Dash Walks as well, as there's much more leniency in the timing than using Tilt Stick. Tap either Tilt 1 or Tilt 2 during the beginning of your Dash animation to get the Dash Walk.


Reverse Aerial Rush

Very important to maintain momentum and use back airs, simply press back during your run and then press jump.



Pivot Cancel

You can use your run-turnaround animation to skid a little bit if you go straight into an attack. It is most useful for Tilt Attacks. Run, press back, then immediately go into a Tilt Attack forward.



Tilt Neutral Special

Use Tilt 2 to get Neutral Specials while holding a direction. You can use this to turn around in the air, or run into a neutral special. 


B-Reverse and Wavebounce

You can manipulate your momentum with quick stick movements during Special attacks. For a typical B-Reverse, jump and start your Side Special in the direction you are moving, right after press Special hit the stick in the opposite direction. In the example below: Jump -> Right + B -> Left. You have to be quick!



You can also do this with Neutral Specials, and since Neutral Specials are pretty safe to do on Cross|Up this comes down to simply adding another button: Jump -> Tilt 2 + Right + B -> Left.



A Wavebounce is the same idea as a B-Reverse but instead you start the Special in the direction that is opposite of your momentum. Below we showcase a Wavebounced Neutral Special going right: Jump Right -> Tilt 2 + Left + B -> Right.



If you have any more questions, please check out our Index linked below as well as the #smash-ultimate channel in our Discord - all linked below.

May your inputs be blessed,
