Advocate, Representative, and Cross|Up tier backers have received their surveys via Kickstarter (check your emails and/or Kickstarter accounts)These surveys are to get ahead of things: mostly get tshirt orders going and finalize peoples' addresses. The June 19th date is only to help us get the tshirt order started ahead of...
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Play Games Never Thought Possible Download Cross|Up Designer 1.07 A joystick that does more than only arcade games? The Hit Box Cross|Up now lets you control analog Left Stick, analog Right Stick, and Dpad all while maintaining the classic nostalgic feel of a digital lever. Bring the Hit Box mindset to the Z-Plane! Our latest addition in...
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rom our Kickstarter update:
A quick production update.
For those who haven't checked out Cross|Up Designer 1.06 you can check out our in depth blog post here!
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- Remap buttons and customize your controller with ease! - Save up to 12 unique profiles directly to your controller and take them with you! - Choose from dozens of pre-made powerful profiles, customize them, and share with friends! - Plug in your Wii Nunchuck (now button remappable) and play any genre...
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DOWNLOAD v1.05 The best fightstick on the market gets better. Here's a long-awaited incremental update with a few quality of life changes and a major introduction: The Nunchuck Port is now enabled! Features Nunchuck port is now enabled: Plug in a Nintendo Wii nunchuck into the side of your...
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