Smash Box - Information, How To, and Features — SC

SSBU - SOCD Neutral Tech

Let's talk about SOCD, and some of its uses on Smash Box in Smash Bros. Ultimate.First off, what's an SOCD? SOCD stands for Simultaneous Opposing Cardinal Directions - basically, the act of pressing Left and Right at the same time. The default setting on Smash Box for resolving SOCD is "SOCD Neutral," which means that when...

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Tilt Attacks on Smash Box

If Smash Box is all buttons, how do Tilt Attacks work? Smash Box uses special buttons called "modifiers" that work exactly like the Shift key on your keyboard.  By holding down a Tilt modifier, your analog movement goes from full tilt to only slightly tilt! The Up / Down /...

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