UNIclr on Hit Box - Getting Started

The Hit Box is the best alternative to a standard fight stick or pad controller for UNIclr. In order to help you take advantage of the precision of this arcade controller, this post has been compiled to go over the basics of the Hit Box and key techniques to learn in UNIclr. 

The Hit Box is native on PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. If you are trying set up for Steam, please follow the information in our post "Hit Box on Steam."

If you have any questions about UNIclr on Hit Box, please join our community on Discord and visit the #airdash-fighters channel. In addition, be sure explore the "Hit Box" and "Airdash" tags at the bottom of the post for more How-To content.

The Basics


The first thing to note is how the directional buttons are placed on the Hit Box, and what that big button is for. Left, Down, and Right are all next to each other - the ASD of "WASD" - with the Up button being the big red one at the bottom. Having the Up button in the middle, and larger than the others, allows players to use Up in a similar way that keyboard users activate the space bar, and it allows you to use whichever thumb you want.

In addition, the directional buttons are placed fairly close to the action buttons in order for both hands to be used for either directions or actions. The most obvious example is simply being able to press Up and an action with the right hand at the same time. 


On the Hit Box, you have the ability to press opposite directions at the same time. We call this Simultaneous Opposing Cardinal Directions, or SOCD for short. There are two specific SOCDs we have to consider on Hit Box: Left + Right, and Up + Down. 

With Left + Right, we get SOCD Neutral. Meaning "center" is output to the game - not left or right. With Up + Down, we get Absolute Priority of Up. Meaning Up will always override Down, no matter what order they are pressed in.

How To Play

There are no input shortcuts in UNIclr, but Hit Box has lots of SOCD tricks to help clean up and speed up your inputs for a better combo and neutral game!

(We've upped our emoji game, so you can level up your UNIclr!  (⬇️↘️➡️+👊)

SOCD Dash (Instant Dash)

⬅️,(⬅️+➡️),⬅️  /  ➡️,(➡️+⬅️),➡️


(⬅️+➡️)=✳ (Neutral)

(➡️+⬅️)=✳ (Neutral)


Microdash Low



➡️+⬇️=↘️  /  ⬅️+⬇️=↙️


Microdash Jab (SOCD)



QCF Motion - Quarter Circle

⬇️↘️➡️+👊  /  ⬇️↙️⬅️+👊


Down Down Motion



SRK Motion - Shoryuken / Dragon Punch



SRK Motion SOCD - Walking Shoryuken



(⬅️+➡️)=✳ (Neutral)  /  (⬅️)+⬇️+(➡️)=⬇️


Charge Motions






(⬇️)+⬆️=⬇️  /  ⬆️+(⬇️)=⬆️
(↙️)+⬆️=↖️  /  (↘️)+⬆️=↗️

Charge Partition (Vatista Double Ball)


✳ = (Neutral)


HCB Motion - Half Circle




HCF Motion SOCD - Half Circle Super Motion




(⬅️+➡️)=✳ (Neutral)  /  (⬅️)+⬇️+(➡️)=⬇️


360° Motion SOCD (225°)




(⬅️+➡️)=✳ (Neutral)  /  (⬅️)+⬇️+(➡️)=⬇️


⬅️↙️⬇️↘️➡️↗️+👊  /  ➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️+👊


360° Motion - Slide Method

Special thanks to @Mavi_CX for sharing this.

slide ➡️⬇️⬅️,⬆️,👊


720° Double Circle - SOCD into Slide (540°)

(⬆️➡️⬇️⬅️👊 requires very fast speed and timing from standing position) 

roll ➡️↘️,(➡️)+⬇️+(⬅️),↙️⬅️,

⬆️ slide ➡️⬇️⬅️👊


roll ➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️, ⬆️ slide ➡️⬇️⬅️👊


(⬅️+➡️)=✳ (Neutral)  /  (⬅️)+⬇️+(➡️)=⬇️


TK SRK SOCD - Tiger Knee Shoryuken



(⬇️)+⬆️=⬆️  /  ⬆️+(⬇️)=⬆️
(↙️)+⬆️=↖️  /  (↘️)+⬆️=↗️


TK QCF - Tiger Knee Motion




TK Reverse - Backwards Jump Tiger Knee

This motion requires very quick timing.




If you have any questions about UNIclr on Hit Box, please join our community on Discord and visit the #airdash-fighters channel. In addition, be sure explore the "Hit Box" and "Airdash" tags at the bottom of the post for more How-To content.
