Smash Box - Information, How To, and Features

Rivals of Aether for Steam on Smash Box

With its growing popularity, more players are starting to get into Rivals of Aether, including many Smash Box players. Here's a guide to setting up your controller for the game on Steam. Overview GameCube to PC Adapters:  Lossless adapter Recommended adapter for Smash Box due to functionality and options. Mayflash...

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SSBM - SOCD Neutral Tech

The default setting on Smash Box for SOCDs is to resolve to Neutral. This means that when you press Left + Right, the Smash Box outputs a Neutral or 'center' position with the directions. This is a great tool we can use to be more precise with some specific actions in Melee....

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SSBM - Pivot Techniques

  Precise control of your movement is one of the most important skills to hone in Melee. And one of the more unique, difficult, and useful movement techniques to master is pivoting. Here we'll talk about the multiple ways you can pivot with a Smash Box, separated into three styles:...

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